For Adults on the Spectrum
Autism Speaks has compiled valuable information and resources for adults on the spectrum and their families.
Welcome to our resource library!
Here you will find links to useful websites and resources that will help you develop your leadership skills and get you started down the path toward employment.
We will update this page regularly as new opportunities, data and resources become available over the course of this five-year campaign. Stay tuned!
Autism Speaks has compiled valuable information and resources for adults on the spectrum and their families.
Best Buddies has introduced spring, summer and fall virtual friendship walks to help promote social distancing and combat the spread of Covid-19.
Special Olympics is helping us stay active and reach our exercise goals with this online fitness program.
Celebrate EDU offers online programs to help self-advocates learn about themselves and how to turn interests and strengths into opportunities!
Athlete Leadership empowers athletes to develop leadership skills and utilize their voices and abilities to undertake meaningful leadership roles, influence change in the Special Olympics movement and create inclusive communities around the world.
A listing of every state’s Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, which assist individuals with disabilities to prepare for, obtain, maintain, or regain employment.
Pointers from Best Buddies to help companies prepare for an inclusive workforce by suggesting internal communication and training that will lead to a positive outcome.
An interactive jobs portal for job seekers with disabilities to post a resume, research companies, open job positions, and stay up to date on career news. Employers and recruiters can also use the site to find qualified individuals with disabilities.
A jobs portal designed to close job gaps in the autism community by connecting employers eager to hire new talent with qualified job seekers.
A program that secures employment for people with intellectual and developmental differences, allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves.
A jobs portal that connects neurodivergent job seekers with welcoming employers across the world.