Earn the Employing Abilities @Work Certificate
A free, multi-faceted educational program will increase your knowledge and skills to hire, develop, advance and retain individuals with disabilities.
The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) and the SHRM Foundation partnered with Delivering Jobs to bring awareness to the value people with autism, intellectual, and/or developmental differences bring to the workplace. According to SHRM research, of HR professionals and managers that are aware of which workers have disabilities in their organization, nearly all HR professionals (97%) and people managers (92%)say that employees with disabilities regularly perform the same or better than their peers without disabilities. By simultaneously motivating employers interested in this qualified labor force and engaging the public to advocate for inclusion, together we can build a more dynamic workforce in the United States.
SHRM, the Society for Human Resource Management, creates better workplaces where employers and employees thrive together. As the voice of all things work, workers and the workplace, SHRM is the foremost expert, convener and thought leader on issues impacting today’s evolving workplaces. With 300,000+ HR and business executive members in 165 countries, SHRM impacts the lives of more than 115 million workers and families globally.
The mission of the SHRM Foundation is to mobilize the power of HR and activate the generosity of donors to lead positive social change impacting all things work. The Foundation is committed to elevating and empowering HR as a social force through its innovative solutions to workplace inclusion challenges, programming designed to inspire and empower the next generation of HR leaders, and awarding scholarships and professional development grants to educate and develop students and HR professionals. The SHRM Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit affiliate of the Society for Human Resource Management.
A PSA announcing Delivering Job’s partnership with the Society for Human Resource Management and The SHRM Foundation
A behind-the-scenes look at the making of the 2020 Delivering Jobs, SHRM and SHRM Foundation PSA , as well as commentary as to why this campaign and partnership is so important
Special thanks to the HollyRod Foundation and Inclusion Films
A free, multi-faceted educational program will increase your knowledge and skills to hire, develop, advance and retain individuals with disabilities.
A resource guide for employers related to the employment of people with disabilities. The guide is a federal interagency effort full of tips on how to legally and proactively recruit, retain and promote workers with disabilities.
For neurodiverse employees, adjusting to a new setting can be daunting.
Individuals with disabilities are being recognized as a source of engaged, committed employees.
A comprehensive guide to federal agencies with ADA responsibilities as well as federal ADA and disability resources for employment, business, and veterans.